You have the power within you to reframe, reshape, and shift the perspective of your past self.
I know you know that; you listen to this show after all.
Yet, as humans, the ANTs and less-than-positive self-talk can stop us before we even get started.

Control & Empower your Life (thoughts & feelings)

w/ NLP Master Trainer Aubrie Pohl

Episode #207

In this week’s episode, we welcome back NLP Master Trainer Aubrie Pohl to discuss three of our most powerful “Laws of Success,” all framed around how NLP helped us overcome our addictions, limiting beliefs, and traumas.

Throughout the episode, we provide practical tips and examples of how NLP can be applied in everyday life to help individuals achieve greater success and fulfillment. Whether you’re seeking to improve your personal relationships, advance your addiction recovery healing, or become more self-aware – this episode offers valuable insights into how NLP can help you reach your goals.

Tune in and discover the power of NLP and our Three Laws of Success!

Content Summary

You are in control of your mind, and therefore your results
Aubrie and I discuss how NLP techniques can help individuals take control of their thought patterns and beliefs, allowing them to create the mindset necessary to achieve their goals. I embrace this when a lack of personal responsibility has me blaming, complaining, or making excuses.

The meaning of communication is the response you get

NLP can guide individuals to understand and interpret communication more effectively, leading to more straightforward and more productive interactions with others. This is super helpful for those of us re-establishing relationships in our sobriety and recovery journey.

Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available at the time
You are capable of so much more than you think you are. NLP will help you develop empathy and understanding towards others, allowing you to navigate challenging situations and relationships more effectively. This one hits home when I look back at the 22 years of addiction and start talking smack to myself for not getting sober in my 20s or 30s.

Take Action

  • Reflect on how your mind is holding you back: You are not who you were; you are who you decide to be right now. Take action on this version of yourself, not the past version, as that person got you into this mess to begin with.
  • Engage in Vulnerable Communication: The only way to heal yourself is through honest and open dialogue with yourself and those you want to be a part of your life.
  • Take Daily Action to Recognize the Resources Available: You were not completely incompetent during those years when life was chaotic. You actually were living, growing, and experiencing life, while in a disempowering way, you still learned hundreds, if not thousands of ways, to keep that life going – even if it was leading you to your abyss. Those resources are very useful now as they prove to you that you are capable of pushing through the hardest times in life.
  • Reach out to Aubrie or Jesse: It is time to step into your highest self. No one will push you as hard as you decide to push yourself. We can inspire you, and many people can inspire you, but you are the only one in control of your motivation.
  • Journal Today about Who You Desire to Achieve: Sobriety is the start of the journey. It is the first answer. It is not the last answer. The adventure begins when you wake up sober. What you do with this opportunity will define your life. Be curious, get interested, feel into your passions, and externalize that passion, as that will become your purpose!

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